Showing posts with label Explicit Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Explicit Teaching. Show all posts

Sep 24, 2015

New Google Hangouts!

Google Hangouts and Hangouts on Air!  See what is new!

Periodically Google updates certain apps.  There often is not a lot of fanfare or communication from them, you just notice some changes.  There are a number of people beginning to use Google Hangouts, and with a change to starting one - I wanted to create another tutorial to show the changes!

Instructional Strategy: Explicit Teaching, Collaboration, Group Learning, Demonstration

Bloom's Level = 3, 4 (Application, Analysis)

Used when introducing new topic/concept in a highly structured environment Focused on producing specific learning outcomes

Consists of 4 parts:
-Set the stage for learning
-Provide a clear explanation of what to do
-Model the process/skill
-Allow students multiple opportunities to practice new skill
Information is delivered in a procedural-like manner; a checklist of actions broken into fragments (this will assist with the understanding of the topic/concept by enabling learners to visualize and practice the new topic/concept)
Student builds an understanding of topics from the ground up through practice, collaboration, repetition and hands-on activities
Be transparent, explain in detail “how” and “why”
Give students the foundation necessary to understand, visualize and demonstrate skills

Other Technology that Facilitates Explicit Teaching Writing/Presenting Tools
Blackboard Discussion Board
Google Drive (ability to accumulate information and share, collaborate)
Google Hangout (ability to communicate, collaborate)
Google Sites

Apr 8, 2015

Microsoft Office Mix - PowerPoint 2013 Add-in (Part I)

Microsoft Office Mix
This is an add-in to PowerPoint 2013 for Windows PCs (currently no release for Mac).

There are going to be a few tutorials on this subject.  The Part I is an overview of the tool and how to get it loaded in the Microsoft Office 2013 Suite software package on your computer.

Other tutorials will be an in-depth look at various tools like recording audio over your PowerPoint presentation, screen capture of images, digital inking for annotations, built-in quiz and polling feature, sharing and storing presentation in Microsoft Office Mix Cloud.

You are probably very comfortable using PowerPoint as an instructor so this add-in tool increases the functionality of what you can do with publisher created presentations or ones you create yourself.

-Great for flipped classroom activities
-Play output on PCs, Macs and mobile devices
-Create dynamic multimedia presentations
-Build interactive lessons and learning experiences
-Can help facilitate blended learning courses

Microsoft Office Mix - help guide

Sep 12, 2014

Google Hangouts and Hangouts on Air

Instructional Strategy: Explicit Teaching, Collaboration, Group Learning, Demonstration
Blooms Levels= 3-4 (application, analysis)

Used when introducing new topic/concept in a highly structured environment Focused on producing specific learning outcomes

Consists of 4 parts:
-Set the stage for learning
-Provide a clear explanation of what to do
-Model the process/skill
-Allow students multiple opportunities to practice new skill
Information is delivered in a procedural-like manner; a checklist of actions broken into fragments (this will assist with the understanding of the topic/concept by enabling learners to visualize and practice the new topic/concept)
Student builds an understanding of topics from the ground up through practice, collaboration, repetition and hands-on activities
Be transparent, explain in detail “how” and “why”
Give students the foundation necessary to understand, visualize and demonstrate skills

Other Technology that Facilitates Explicit Teaching Writing/Presenting Tools
Blackboard Discussion Board
Google Drive (ability to accumulate information and share, collaborate)
Google Hangout (ability to communicate, collaborate)
Google Sites

Aug 29, 2014

Screencapture using Screen-cast-o-matic

Screencapture using Screen-cast-o-matic

Screencastomatic is a free web-based software package that allows you to capture what you see on your screen and any movement of your mouse, including other pages, or annotations on your screen and add audio and/or video output to go along with it.  You then can upload it to YouTube, and have access to the link and embed code which enable you to share your work in a number of different ways.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture
Blooms Levels= 1-2 without activity (knowledge, comprehension) 3-4 with activity (application, analysis)

Stimulate reflection
Challenge the imagination
Develop curiosity and sense of inquiry
Push content
Introduce topic/content, followed by a discussion to support the concepts covered in the lecture
Lecture method should include the types of experiences students will be afforded and the kinds of learning outcomes expected
Teacher-centered (unless activity is involved)
Incorporating an activity can help to enforce learning as the attention span of students may be limited
Lecture should not repeat the textbook but should provide additional information and examples
Provides the instructor the opportunity to apply the concepts from the book and course to real-world experiences