Showing posts with label Reflective Discussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflective Discussion. Show all posts

Sep 2, 2015

Go Soap Box: Audience Response System; great for formative assessment

Go Soap Box is a web-based platform for an audience response system (i.e. "clickers") with some nice built in features for not only formative assessment quizzes, but polling, discussion board, and a platform for social media (back channeling).

INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Didactic Questioning, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, Lecture, Reflection

Bloom's Level: 1-5  (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, and Evaluating)

Go Soap Box is a free, real-time audience interactive response system.  It is a web-based tool which means students can access from a smartphone, tablet, or computer.  A great way to keep students engaged, check for understanding, as well as provide a anxiety-free forum for live interaction in the class as content is being explained.

- Flipped Classrom
- Blended Learning
- Formative Assessment
- Live discussion
- Back channeling

- BYOD uses

Apr 27, 2015

LINO - digital bulletin board

Lino - a web-based and mobile device app which allows the user to create a digital bulletin board and collaborate with others for a digital storytelling experience.

Lino is free to users allowing for some creativity in hosting a meeting with break-out sessions where you want the groups to have the ability to add their "poll results" or "brainstorming" session information for all to see and collaborate with.  Lots of different uses with this tool, and a very short learning curve.

INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: Compare/Contrast Bloom Level = 3+ (apply, analysis)

-Clarify thinking
-Classify ideas
-Collaborate for one meaning
-Reflective judgment (Affective Learning)
-Highlight similarities and differences (shows student has a deeper understanding that goes beyond surface level
-Form generalizations based on categorized items