Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2019

Adding Closed Captioning to your YouTube videos . . .

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a piece of federal civil rights
legislation that prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else. There are two sections of the ADA, section 504 and section 508. Section 504 - making accommodations for students with disabilities, such as giving students extra time on an exam, and providing a ramp for wheelchair access. Section 508 - all course materials must be accessible for all students.

Youtube free icon

YouTube has a lot of great tools that help you manage your videos.  One of them is the ability to add closed captioning.  Captioning is a good way to make you videos accessible for your viewers.

You can upload a file, edit captioning that is already there, or listen and caption on the fly.

Below are a couple of links to explain these services in greater detail.

Google YouTube support

NCDAE Captioning YouTube Videos

Jan 12, 2016

Video recording (Webcam capture) with 123 Apps!

Since YouTube webcam recording and Blackboard's Video Everywhere has stopped working, we need a "workaround" for those who still wish to utilize a personalized video capture for class. is a free site that contains a number of tools for video recording, audio recording, video converting and many other things.  In this tutorial, you can learn how to create a video recording using your computer and webcam with no additional software needed.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture
Blooms Levels= 1-2 without activity (knowledge, comprehension)
  3-4 with activity (application, analysis)
  • Stimulate reflection
  • Challenge the imagination
  • Develop curiosity and sense of inquiry
  • Push content
  • Introduce topic/content, followed by a discussion to support the concepts covered in the lecture
  • Lecture method should include the types of experiences students will be afforded and the kinds of learning outcomes expected
  • Teacher-centered (unless activity is involved)
  • Incorporating an activity can help to enforce learning as the attention span of students may be limited
  • Lecture should not repeat the textbook but should provide additional information and examples
  • Provides the instructor the opportunity to apply the concepts from the book and course to real-world experiences

Can also be used to provide weekly feedback, or periodic feedback like on a large paper/project where students turn in items as drafts to get input.

Dec 15, 2015

Recording webcam videos: Video Everywhere no longer works; YouTube no longer works - MAC options

It happens . . . . a company changes something on its website or some technical configuration and stuff you used to be able to do you either can't anymore, or you need a new plan!

Somewhere around Sunday, December 13, 2015, Video Everywhere, a Blackboard webcam video capture tool stopped working with no easy fix in sight.  The culprit is this tool links with your YouTube account to store your completed videos.  This is something that stopped working on April 20, 2015 and wasn't available again until about October.  

Unfortunately, plan B was to do a webcam video recording directly in YouTube.  On the YouTube site there is information to say this will no longer be available on January 16, 2016.  However, I have found it is no longer available NOW!

So, we needed a plan C.  This is a tutorial on how to do this on a Mac.  If you use a Windows PC, there is another tutorial on how to do this!

Instructional Strategy: Lecture
Blooms Levels= 1-2 without activity (knowledge, comprehension)
  3-4 with activity (application, analysis)
  • Stimulate reflection
  • Challenge the imagination
  • Develop curiosity and sense of inquiry
  • Push content
  • Introduce topic/content, followed by a discussion to support the concepts covered in the lecture
  • Lecture method should include the types of experiences students will be afforded and the kinds of learning outcomes expected
  • Teacher-centered (unless activity is involved)
  • Incorporating an activity can help to enforce learning as the attention span of students may be limited
  • Lecture should not repeat the textbook but should provide additional information and examples
  • Provides the instructor the opportunity to apply the concepts from the book and course to real-world experiences

Can also be used to provide weekly feedback, or periodic feedback like on a large paper/project where students turn in items as drafts to get input.

Recording Webcam Videos: YouTube no longer works; Video Everywhere no longer works - Windows PC option

It happens . . . . a company changes something on its website or some technical configuration and stuff you used to be able to do you either can't anymore, or you need a new plan!

Somewhere around Sunday, December 13, 2015, Video Everywhere, a Blackboard webcam video capture tool stopped working with no easy fix in sight.  The culprit is this tool links with your YouTube account to store your completed videos.  This is something that stopped working on April 20, 2015 and wasn't available again until about October.  

Unfortunately, plan B was to do a webcam video recording directly in YouTube.  On the YouTube site there is information to say this will no longer be available on January 16, 2016.  However, I have found it is no longer available NOW!

So, we needed a plan C.  This is a tutorial on how to do this on a Windows PC.  If you use a Mac, there is another tutorial on how to do this!

So, if you are interested in using your webcam to capture video on your computer, for things like lectures, explanations, storytelling and video feedback, this tutorial will show you a new option for doing this.

Instructional Strategy: Lecture
Blooms Levels= 1-2 without activity (knowledge, comprehension)
  3-4 with activity (application, analysis)
  • Stimulate reflection
  • Challenge the imagination
  • Develop curiosity and sense of inquiry
  • Push content
  • Introduce topic/content, followed by a discussion to support the concepts covered in the lecture
  • Lecture method should include the types of experiences students will be afforded and the kinds of learning outcomes expected
  • Teacher-centered (unless activity is involved)
  • Incorporating an activity can help to enforce learning as the attention span of students may be limited
  • Lecture should not repeat the textbook but should provide additional information and examples
  • Provides the instructor the opportunity to apply the concepts from the book and course to real-world experiences

Can also be used to provide weekly feedback, or periodic feedback like on a large paper/project where students turn in items as drafts to get input.

Aug 31, 2015

YouTube and closed captioning

YouTube is a great Web 2.0 tool for adding content to your course.  There are other videos in this series that show you how to record your own video in YouTube as well as how to share it with other people.

This video doesn't really show any instructional strategies, but is more "maintenance" and "prep work" for a YouTube video.

YouTube automatically does closed captioning for you, for purposes of making it viewable for the hearing impaired.  However, sometimes YouTube doesn't get it exactly right!  Learn how to "adjust/edit" closed captions as well as set timings so the text shows up at the appropriate time of the video.

It is relatively simple to make adjustments to the closed captioning language of a YouTube video.  This tutorial shows how to add your script, check the auto caption settings, and set the timings if they are not correct.

Aug 18, 2015

Embedding YouTube videos in PowerPoint 2013

Microsoft Office is now in version 2013.  It used to be pretty easy to embed a video into a PowerPoint presentation.  Office 2013 has changed that a bit, but it is not that difficult to make it happen again, once you know the secret - a little Visual Basic knowledge!

Don't panic - you don't need to be a programmer - some easy steps will have you on your way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentations with embedded video.

Although you can add the link of any YouTube video to a PowerPoint slide, it doesn't always have the most professional look to it.  It can look like this below:

By using this method describe in the tutorial, you can get a video that looks like the video listing on this page, with the "TV picture window" already to press play!

Jul 14, 2015

Recording in YouTube and uploading to Blackboard

Create your own video right in YouTube!

You can use your YouTube account (use your Google login to access) to create short videos and load them into your Blackboard class.  

There are other tutorials on this site that shows you how to locate videos, edit videos and upload them to Blackboard, so once you view this tutorial you may be interesting in reviewing some of those based on the learning goal you are trying to accomplish.

You are probably comfortable viewing YouTube videos but if you have a webcam, you can actually record videos directly in YouTube. These videos remain in your YouTube account, where you can post them and share them in a number of fashions. This tutorial shows you how to upload the video you created, into Blackboard.

-Great for mini lectures
-Pointing out key issues
-Great for flipped classroom activities
-Can be used in a blended learning environment

Mar 20, 2015

Editing and Enhancing your videos stored in YouTube for class

YouTube has a wide variety of videos available for your use.  It also has a great basic video editor that you can use on videos you find and stitch together or videos you have creating yourself.  Also, once the videos are in your YouTube account you have various enhancements available to consider.

This is Part III of a three part series on these tools.  Instructors and students can use this tool.

Bloom's Level 3-6 (Application, Analyze, Evaluate, Create)

-Flipped Classroom
-Blended Learning
-Maker movement
-BYOD uses
-Formative assessment

Learn how to use YouTube to search for great Creative Commons videos by subject, for your programs and courses, and then use the YouTube Editor to modify videos for your specific needs.  Also, you can use YouTube for some additional enhancements, annotations and other things when you want to be creative with your videos.

Editing your videos with YouTube Editor

YouTube has a wide variety of videos available for your use.  It also has a great basic video editor that you can use on videos you find and stitch together or videos you have creating yourself.

This is Part II of a three part series on these tools.  Instructors and students can use this tool.

Bloom's Level 3-6 (Application, Analyze, Evaluate, Create)

-Flipped Classroom
-Blended Learning
-Maker movement
-BYOD uses

Learn how to use You Tube to search for great Creative Commons videos by subject, for your concepts, courses and programs, and then use the YouTube Editor to modify videos for your specific needs.  You can start the search in You Tube and access the editor or go right to the You Tube Editor (

This is a Part II of using the YouTube editor to easily modify videos you find or create. The Part III of this tutorial will show you some annotations and enhancements of your videos to specialize them for your purposes.

Mar 19, 2015

Finding Videos for your classes using YouTube

YouTube has a large library of videos!

This is Part I of a three part series on these tools.  Tool can be used by instructor or student.

Bloom's Level 3-6 (Application, Analyze, Evaluate, Create)

-Flipped Classroom
-Blended Learning
-Maker movement
-BYOD uses

Learn how to use You Tube (and the You Tube Editor) to search for great Creative Commons videos by subject, for your concepts, courses and programs.

This is a Part I of using the YouTube editor to easily access videos by searching.  The Part II of this tutorial will show you how to edit videos you locate this way, as well as those you create yourself and upload to your YouTube account (  The Part III will show you some annotations and enhancements of your videos (