You can mark up and collaborate on webpages, Microsoft Office documents or images. Or, you can start with a blank canvas and collaborate together to create or communicate something. This is a real-time based collaboration interactive whiteboard. Use this in class, face-to-face or in a synchronous component of a distance learning situation, to allow students the ability to collaborate in real-time.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Compare/Contrast, Collaboration, Demonstration, Brainstorming
Bloom's Level: 1-4 (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, and Analyzing)
- Clarify thinking
- Classify ideas
- Explain meaning
- Graphic organizer
- Digital storytelling- Reflective judgment (Affective Learning)
- Highlight similarities and differences (which shows student has a deeper understanding that goes beyond surface level)
- Form generalizations based on categorized items
- BYOD ideas
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