It happens . . . . a company changes something on its website or some technical configuration and stuff you used to be able to do you either can't anymore, or you need a new plan!
Somewhere around Sunday, December 13, 2015, Video Everywhere, a Blackboard webcam video capture tool stopped working with no easy fix in sight. The culprit is this tool links with your YouTube account to store your completed videos. This is something that stopped working on April 20, 2015 and wasn't available again until about October.
Unfortunately, plan B was to do a webcam video recording directly in YouTube. On the YouTube site there is information to say this will no longer be available on January 16, 2016. However, I have found it is no longer available NOW!
So, we needed a plan C. This is a tutorial on how to do this on a Mac. If you use a Windows PC, there is another tutorial on how to do this!
Instructional Strategy: Lecture
Blooms Levels= 1-2 without activity (knowledge, comprehension)
3-4 with activity (application, analysis)
- Stimulate reflection
- Challenge the imagination
- Develop curiosity and sense of inquiry
- Push content
- Introduce topic/content, followed by a discussion to support the concepts covered in the lecture
- Lecture method should include the types of experiences students will be afforded and the kinds of learning outcomes expected
- Teacher-centered (unless activity is involved)
- Incorporating an activity can help to enforce learning as the attention span of students may be limited
- Lecture should not repeat the textbook but should provide additional information and examples
- Provides the instructor the opportunity to apply the concepts from the book and course to real-world experiences
Can also be used to provide weekly feedback, or periodic feedback like on a large paper/project where students turn in items as drafts to get input.
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