Nov 12, 2018

Giving feedback in Canvas . . . . . . check out the different ways!

Instructure Canvas is the LMS for all virtual classroom activities, for on-ground and online courses.  It is important that you share feedback with students for learning activities, in order for them to improve over the length of the course.  There are a number of different ways you can provide feedback, depending on whether you need just words, examples, or demonstrations.  This tutorial shows you some ways to provide feedback to your students in Canvas.

There are built-in feedback areas where you can type text, attach a file, provide audio (speech to text), or video comments to your students right inside the Canvas gradebook.

Providing personal and detailed feedback in a timely fashion is important to students, as this can help them perform later in the course.  Canvas has a number of easy ways to provide this feedback to your students!

-Provide feedback
-Summative feedback
-Formative feedback

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